Yes, a written, legal contract is one of the first indicators of whether a DJ is professional and reliable. In addition, a contract establishes the DJ services with the client and describes what is required for the success of the event, describing its setup requirements and other factors related to its performance. A contract protects both parties. For this reason, a written contract signed by both parties is absolutely essential and, in our opinion, any DJ or company who does not use a written contract should not be considered for your event.



Of course, we like to meet our clients in person. It also gives you that peace of mind that we are a true company. We can coordinate a meeting with the day, place and time. Without any obligation on your part. We like to answer any question and how we can help you with your event.

Yes, as a professional DJ we want to make sure exactly what is supposed to happen and when, and what music you want to be played and the steps of your activity for that reason we want to speak to you at least briefly to go over the game plan. So you have peace of mind. If a DJ or company tells you otherwise, you should probably be concerned.

We understand that you are looking for information and prices for your event. First Come First Serve. The only way we can ensure and hold your event date is through a retainer payment and a signed contract. Peace Of Mind.

There are many companies that charge extra for these services. All our customized services include Master of Ceremony at NO additional cost. We make all the presentations, introductions, announcements and they will be coordinated with the schedule of your event.

Like most professional DJs we subscribe to at least one of the main music services for updating our music to keep our collections updated. These services provide the DJ with new and radio-edited music, often before it even plays on the radio.

When you sign the contract, you will receive an email link to the client area. They will be able to make decisions regarding their event music choices. Do not play list. Also the client area will help you with the planning. The event timeline and all the details for the success of your event. We ask our clients to fill out and submit music requests and event details. Two weeks before the event date to make sure we have all the information about the event.

We never consume alcohol at your event. We always behave professionally in a safe environment. If you interview a DJ or company and say they need a few drinks to “relax” while working, you should probably look for a DJ or company with higher standards of professionalism.

Even the best and best maintained equipment malfunctions at some point. For this reason, we always carry additional backup systems to all our events. Peace of mind and stress free.

This is probably one of the first questions they ask us. Although the budget is important. Don’t go by price alone. You can’t leave the DJ for last. Remember entertainment makes the event. Without the right entertainment, the event falls flat. I can tell you that the difference in cost between an inexpensive and inexperienced DJ who sometimes does not even make it to the event and a highly qualified professional DJ is not much. When you compare everything you opt for hiring a professional. Our rates are based on the type of event, hours, county and the package you choose. You can click here for the  instant quote.    We will be more than happy to discuss your event with you and see how we can help you with your event. Feel free to contact us with any questions at 407.421.1514  This is our email: Hablamos español.

Perhaps this is what most people think. We would like to change that way of thinking. A professional disc jockey doesn’t just play music. But it plays the music you want for your event. TUPDJS We are professionals in the art of DJ. We use high quality systems and technology to provide professional service at every event. We keep up to date with the music. We invest hours and hours before your activity to provide the best on the day of the event. We also work and coordinate everything with the catering service, the photographer and any event staff so that everything goes as you planned. You pay for peace of mind. Stress Free. It comes from knowing that your special day will be run by the most experienced and respected name in entertainment. Why compromise your day? Make your celebration perfect by choosing The Ultimate Professional DJ Services.

We need a space of at least 10 x 10 to set up the Photo Booth.

Yes, a power outlet only for the Photo Booth

After the Event we send you an email with the photo file. Where you can download all the photos of the event without any additional charge.